Seek not to find who you are, but determine who you want to become.
Posted by Andrew PC Smith at 8:33 PMNikola Tesla, inventor/discoverer of many uses for electricity (IMHO he did more than Einstien for mankind but doesn't get proper credit) once said that he doesn't consider himself very intelligent person. He just worked on every single thing that interested him ten times more than anybody else. In his opinion that was the key to his success. People who love what they do get others to pay money to watch them enjoy life.
If you get a chance, rent The Simple Life Of Noah Dearborn. (It relates to this post. Trust me. Heh.) It's funny and has a great story. There's some really good lines. I'd give it a 4 out of 5 stars.
This week has been one great week for my movie career, it's hard to believe one connection in a small town can get you so very far. Never judge people too quick; I've got a bad habit of sizing people up fast. A lot of times I don't even realize I'm doing it. However, sometimes the person you least expect has more connections than you can imagine and can get you some incredible jobs and/or contacts if you'll just be friendly and look sharp.
Labels: Excellence, Meaning