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Crazy go nuts!

So to change the nagging needle on the E and fill up my good 'ol car... I slid my card, picked my grade and pumped away. As usual, I sat there staring blankly at my reflection in the back seat window wondering if I look more like Hugh Jackman or Steve Buscemi when I heard the "click" letting me know that the car was full. I took the nozzle out, plugged the car back up and looked at the price.

My heart sank. Like the Titanic. Almost $60. yup. $60 for a tank of gas. I quickly looked at my car wondering if I had filled an SUV on accident - nope, it was my teensy weensy polka dotted Toyota Camry.

$60!! $60 will get you 50 large slurpees. $60 will get you enough hamsters to pull the car. $60 would get me 6 fresh pairs of boxers (aka 6 extra days of no laundry.) Remember that scene from "I Am Legend" where Will Smith's character is pumping gas - I remember the loudest gasps during that scene when they saw the gas prices being over $6. Now, we're not that far off!

GAS PRICES ARE INSANE! You know it's almost to the point where I think if Jesus came down today, his first miracle would be to turn water into...gas. and I'll admit - even with gas prices rising, the weaker dollar, it's getting harder and harder to be a good steward in regards to money. We should all move to Venenzuela -gas is still $.12 per gallon over there. Yup you heard right, cents. I would almost swim there to get it.

Has gas put a strain on your finances lately?


  1. Anonymous said...
    I like the way you write...LOL... Maybe I'll read your blog more often.

    anna joy said...


    p.s. funny thing, my dad works at the most expensive gas station in the UNITED STATES. they even interviewed him on the news for it.

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