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Thinking inside the box.

Today I spent most of my time trying to get my expensive camera to connect to my expensive computer and software. I spent a nauseating amount of time on user forums, Apple discussions, culminating with a hour-long chat with an Apple Final Cut technical support guru. All to no avail. I'm still at the same place I was at when I started... many hours later.

There was no logical explanation as to why it wasn't working. 

It all had worked so beautifully before! I glanced at all my options. Window, soda, flowers. After I got done screaming out the window, drowning my sorrows with Coke, I figured the flowers were the only thing I hadn't tried.. so I took a bite, they were a little tough so instead I sniffed them. They smelled like plastic. And they were. So much for trying everything. 

Later on this evening, I was reading this passage in Matthew 25. It's that parable about the talents. You know, every servant was given a certain number of talents. It was an investment by the Master, and He expected a return on them.
It was convicting, that sometimes I don't live up to the talents given to me. It's easy to give a cheap cop out and throw on some false humility and say I don't have any talents. Several people in the bible tried that.. Moses, Jeremiah, Timothy, ect.

I'm so grateful that God doesn't say, "There's no logical explanation why these humans aren't working." Jesus Christ didn't die on the cross to get us to get us into a boring box of religion, confined to a bunch of rules and filled with other christians just waiting to get to get off this lousy planet waiting get to heaven like so many containers stuffed with cheap stuff from Shanghai going to Wal-Mart stores everywhere.  (btw, my brother is there right now. You should pray for him please. No, not in Wal-Mart. In China... silly.)

This all fits in as a part of my whole theory that life is supposed to be EPIC. But you have to wade through the mundane, character building, boring life to get there. We have to be faithful in small things over a long period of time. Our influence goes as far as our character is going deep, but not as fast as our talent goes wide.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Luke 16:10-12 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?

Quote of the day:
Security is worthless if you have to sacrifice growth to get it.

Have a great weekend everybody,


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