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I was on my way to Florida once... My uncle Tony and I, we had nothing but a '85 Volvo and our dreams and aspirations of going to our friend Elisha's wedding. This is the true story. I filmed an hour and edited enough to get the gold out. There were many, many other interesting things that transpired during this trip, but guess what? I don't want to talk about it.

It still gets me right here. Ow.

If there's anything I learned from this trip, it was that Romans 8:28 is still very true and applicable. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Sure we didn't make it to Florida, but we got to spend a couple days chillin' with Nathan, my very good friend I went to Honduras with.

It's undoubtedly one of the best promises in the bible. I've heard it said that this verse in the basis for true optimism. You've probably heard a negative comment about your situation, say, that time you were 12 and pessimists often say, "I'm just being realistic."

I say, that if you live only by what you can see you have a very dangerous outlook on life. It takes vision and faith to live a God-honoring life... Which reminds me, do yourself a huge favor, and surf over to Amazon and buy a copy of The Principles and Power of Vision. It just might change your life. I'd say a good 89% chance anyway. Props to Sarah Barlow. Yay!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Oh my goodness! wow that stinks! lol How many times did your car die on you guy's before you guy's decided to go back home? I gotta say Your a goofball!!!! sorry I had to say it! haha anywho well maybe next time you go on a trip like that you will make it all the way!!!!!!

    Andrew PC Smith said...
    I'd say close to a dozen times. It was a conglomeration of problems.

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